Government Claims
In the wake of major property damage in the regions you serve, it is your responsibility to find temporary solutions and restore operations as quickly as possible. You do not need the added stress of handling a complex insurance claim for the damage on your own. Our licensed public adjusters lift that burden and manage every step of the claim. We evaluate and document not only the physical damage to the property, but also losses incurred from stalled operations.
Your entertainment business just suffered serious property damage and you are wondering what to do next.
You call your insurance company and wait for an adjuster to come out, hoping they will have your best interests at heart.
You move from the asset side of your insurance company's ledger to the liability side of their ledger.
We Can Help
Knowing everything you possibly can about the "fine print" of your insurance policy before you have any substantive dialogue with your insurer is an absolute necessity. Know what you are covered for and how to claim it. What you say to your insurance company's adjuster and how you say it can make a dramatic difference in how much you get paid. The more you know, the better the results.
Government Factors To Consider
Be sure to understand each of the following factors before engaging with the insurance company. Knowledge is the key to a successful claim outcome.
- What is our broker's/agent’s role?
- Does the adjuster work for us or the insurance company? Why they can't work for both. Conflict.
- Does the insurance company pay for professionals necessary to evaluate our claim? Are they working for us or them?
- Warranties and Protective Safeguard requirements. What do they mean? Can we still collect if we are not in full compliance?
- Is there coinsurance in my policy? What does it mean?
- How is actual cash value determined? Why should we care?
- Is the insurance company using an independent building or equipment consultant to prepare a bid? Who are these consultants? Who are they working for? Do they only work for insurance companies?
- How quickly can we get started rebuilding?
- How does our policy address increased costs due to new codes? If our coverage is limited, what can we do about it?
- Will the insurance company pay for a construction manager?
- What is the difference between a schedule of values and a schedule of limits?
- Temporary facilities. Portables. Hardscape. Temporary or permanent? How presenting our story can affect our recovery. Do we know our policy provisions?
Government References
In addition to the 5,000+ references on our list, here are some well-known governmental names we have helped.
- American Legion Santa Ana Post 131
- Board Of Public Utilities
- William & Sharon Bowen
- California Professional Firefighters
- University of California, Davis
- Child Protective Services Building
- Coachella Valley Rescue Mission
- Del Manufacturing
- Dos Palos High School
- Sean Elsbernd / San Francisco Supervisor
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (F.D.I.C)
- Fresno - Madera Agency on Aging
- Fresno Unified School District
- Fred Garrison
- Greater Topsail Area Chamber Of Commerce And Tourism
- Iowa Health System
- Jamaica Public Service Company
- Joseph P. Kennedy Enterprises Eunice Kenndy Shriver
- Dan & Helena Lindsey
- Linn County, IA
- Mary's Lake Water Treatment Plant Jennison Construction Company
- Massachusets Turnpike Authority / "The Big Dig"
- Michael Merrill, Esq. & Maureen Merrill
- Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce
- City of Modesto
- County Of Monroe
- Judge Douglas Moore
- Noyo Harbor District
- William R. O'Donnell (Member, Senate of Nevada)
- Old Cowtown Museum
- City of Orange Cove
- Oregon City Public Schools
- The Port Authority of Jamaica
- The Port Authority Of NY & NJ The World Trade Center
- Reno Tahoe International Airport
- David M. Rollo, Esq.
- Port Of San Francisco Mission Rock Resort
- Shawnee County Youth Center
- State Bar of California
- State Chamber of Oklahoma
- Gene & Lana Toms
- United Automobile Workers Union
The United States
National Park Service - Woodburn High School
The Difference Public Adjusters Make
We work exclusively for YOU, not the insurance company. Our insurance professionals have managed and negotiated thousands of claims for nearly every type of natural and man-made disaster. Local in our approach, we have over forty offices across the U.S. and Canada, and an unmatched network of expert resources to efficiently mobilize and be at your side.