Hi-Tech Claims
Your hi-tech business just suffered major property damage, which may have also ruined equipment and other valuable inventory. You need to get back up and running as quickly as possible, and you do not need to be worrying about the complicated insurance claims process. Our team of licensed public adjusters will lift that burden and manage the claim while protecting your best interests. We evaluate and document not only the physical damage to your property, but also the income lost from business interruption.
Your hi-tech business just suffered serious damage and you are wondering what to do next.
You call your insurance company and wait for an adjuster to come out, hoping they will have your best interests at heart.
You move from the asset side of your insurance company's ledger to the liability side of their ledger.
We Can Help
Knowing everything you possibly can about the "fine print" of your insurance policy before you have any substantive dialogue with your insurer is an absolute necessity. Know what you are covered for and how to claim it. What you say to your insurance company's adjuster and how you say it can make a dramatic difference in how much you get paid. The more you know, the better the results.