When we first met, I was reeling from the sudden and unexpected loss of our home. The enormity of the task before us was just beginning to sink in, and the prospect of somehow inventorying every item in our home (as suggested by our carrier, State Farm Insurance) seemed like an impossible job, given that it would have to be done in our “spare time” as we attempted to carry on with the regular obligations and demands of our lives. To say we were under extreme stress is a gross understatement. We were out of our league and in over our heads for sure…While I spoke with you at length in front of my home, my adult daughter went next door and researched you and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International on the internet. Less than an hour later she came walking down the sidewalk, unseen by you, giving me a double “thumbs up.” Her assessment turned out to be 100% correct. Your assistance didn’t just make a difference, it completely transformed the process, largely reduced the stress, and unquestionable was the deciding factor in our receiving a very satisfactory settlement.