Who We've Helped / Testimonials Greenspan Adjusters International, Inc. (British Columbia) Testimonials Show Filters Hide Filters Category All Testimonials Accountants Agricultural Apartments Apparel Attorneys Automotive Building Materials Condominium Corporate Course of Construction Dentist Developer Doctor Earthquake Educational Electronics Entertainment Financial Firestorm Food Furniture Governmental Hardware Health Care Hotels Hurricane Insurance Jewelry Lumber Manufacturing & Processing Metals Industries Non-Profit Paper Products Printers & Publishers Property Management Real Estate Recreational Religious Residences Restaurants Retail School Wholesale Windstorm Clear Filter All Testimonials Of all the financial decisions I have had to make in my life (and there have been plenty), hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was one of the best. Thomas C. Scott, CFP, President Norstar Financial & Insurance Services When our facility in San Francisco was destroyed by a devastating fire we knew the claim was beyond our comfort zone and expertise. Upon advice from my father, Mayor Willie Brown, and San Francisco Supervisor, Sean Elsbernd, I was introduced to you and KC Cullum. Your expertise and the resources of The Greenspan Company / Adjusters International were instrumental in our prosperous return to business...Our insurer brought out an army of consultants to, what we immediately realized was a ploy, reduce the availability of our insurance benefits. They brought out multiple adjusters, restorations firms, and contractors to try and clean and save our inventory and building improvements. Thankfully, we had you to advocate our best interests...Your fee of 10% for the handling of our fire loss was very reasonable in light of the effort and the result. Michael Brown, President True Clothing After spending some brief time with representatives of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International, I realized that it was in the best interest of the insured to have good representation. I was under the impression that our insurance company would provide such representation. But it didn't take long to find out that the carrier doesn't always act in such a manner. The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International provided a tremendous relief to the paperwork and accounting burden that comes with any substantial loss. They are extremely knowledgeable about claims processing, adjustment, policy coverage, and limits. They were always available for consultation, and provided documented correspondence and adjustment accounting for the insured's records, and were even more diligent in getting proceeds checks written in a timely fashion. Tedd Rosenstein, Vice President American Management Company It was interesting, immediately after the fire our insurance company wanted us to use their preferred vendors and recommended we demolish the home right away. We were so lucky we listened to you and did not put our trust in our insurance company whom we thought would look out for our interest. If we had demolished our house or listened to our insurance company we would have lost pertinent evidence that helped secure the details towards our final claim award amounts. We then researched what a Public Adjuster is and how they can assist in the claims process and talked to others that had used public adjusters. We found that The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was well known as the premier Public Adjusting firm. By diligently documenting all aspects of our claim the final settlement you achieved was more than $350,000.00 higher than what was originally offered on our house. Plus our personal property settlement was $250,000.00 more than our insurance company tried to get us to settle on. By taking charge of the adjustment process for us, your services allowed me to focus on running my dental practice and allowed Melissa to minimize the distractions for our children. You kept us informed each and every step of the way and always made yourself available to address our questions and concerns. Our minds were set at ease and we were extremely impressed by your diplomatic approach. Your team was on site and was totally devoted to our cause from the beginning. By working with you we identified losses that we would have missed. You treated our loss in the same manner as you would have treated your own. I am convinced that hiring The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International was the right choice. The additional payments you were able to secure far exceeded the cost of your services. David Gibson, DDS Livermore Dental Care It is my belief that your firm was entirely responsible in recovering the money due to the fire. Chester Rudzinski, General Manager Soundcoat I remember well when your father came out to our office to help settle with the insurance after our big fire. We certainly appreciated how quickly he responded, and the wonderful, dedicated service we received from him. Esther L. Snyder, President In-N-Out Burger While we are extremely business savvy, without your help we could not have successfully recovered from the devastating flood that destroyed Thailand. We were first victims of the flood. Then we became victims of the insurance company and the claims process. Right away you sent a team of expert consultants in the various aspects of the insurance claim that were applicable to our circumstance. Building experts were engaged to represent our interest in order to properly evaluate the damages to our various buildings. Your team of contents specialists were extremely detailed at capturing every single item of business personal property and machinery. With your expertise we were fortunate to favorably negotiate our way around the coinsurance penalties, depreciation, salvage and a variety of other claim issues in which we were not well versed. Initially we were hesitant to retain a loss consultant for our insurance claim as we believed that our insurer would promptly and fairly reimburse us for our loss. We quickly learned that in order to preserve our interests we needed the expertise of professionals as you to protect and advocate our insurance picture because the insurance company hired their own team to represent their own interests. Because of you we were able to negotiate an extremely favorable recovery on all aspects of loss. You took the burden of the catastrophe off our hands. We would never recommend anybody facing a complex insurance claim to move forward without the help of a firm like Insight Advice and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. Yingsak Siamwalla, DHA Siamwalla Ltd. There's no way we could have accomplished the work that your people did to establish our inventory and machinery claims. It would have been impossible for us to continue our own operation and attempt to do the tremendous amount of work your people did for us in establishing our insurance claims. In fact, it would be foolhardy for anyone not to use a capable public adjuster like yourself. Marshall A. Rauch Rauch Industries, Inc. 312 of 3186 Load More Hide