All Testimonials

You and The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International have demonstrated your knowledge of insurance policies and claims and your efforts and professionalism saved us a great deal of work and stress...Our gratitude and professional respect for your performance can never be enough.

Marco Fine Furniture, Inc.

It was due to your expertise, dedication, and perseverance that the insurance company had to agree to pay more than $200,000 above the original offer. We are also convinced that without your help, we would not have been able to receive the maximum compensation for the loss of the contents of our house… We have been deeply impressed by the amount of your detailed correspondence with the insurance company, the number of phone calls, prompt responses to our inquiries, and personal visits involved in this process. Our East Coast friend, a lawyer specializing in insurance cases, who monitored your correspondence with State Farm, told us how much he admired your work and felt that, besides providing technical expertise, it was on a par with the best legal help we could get.

Stanislav Grof, MD

When our facility in San Francisco was destroyed by a devastating fire we knew the claim was beyond our comfort zone and expertise. Upon advice from my father, Mayor Willie Brown, and San Francisco Supervisor, Sean Elsbernd, I was introduced to you and KC Cullum. Your expertise and the resources of The Greenspan Company / Adjusters International were instrumental in our prosperous return to business...Our insurer brought out an army of consultants to, what we immediately realized was a ploy, reduce the availability of our insurance benefits. They brought out multiple adjusters, restorations firms, and contractors to try and clean and save our inventory and building improvements. Thankfully, we had you to advocate our best interests...Your fee of 10% for the handling of our fire loss was very reasonable in light of the effort and the result.

True Clothing

The people we worked with at The Greenspan Co./ Adjusters International were very helpful, capable, and compassionate... Talented, responsive, and easy to work with... It was invaluable to have such dedicated and gifted people working on our insurance claim so that I could be freed up to focus on enabling the agency to continue to provide services to our community from a temporary location.

Dolores Street Baptist Church

We have all read newspaper accounts of someone losing their home in a fire, or we have seen on our television screen the fire engines around the flaming home. When we experience this we have a momentary pang of sympathy for the homeowners. We then pass on to further news. It is not until it is your house that burns down, your worldly possessions that are completely destroyed, that you suffer the impact of what a fire really involves. I am sure the average individual, like myself, has no idea of what they should do to make any claim for their losses. Nor does the average individual have any concept of how to deal with the insurance company…It was a tremendous relief to have your men move in and take over all of the responsibilities of the inventory and the necessary negotiations, not only for the rebuilding of the house but for the substantial loss of personal property, as well as arrange for interim housing while our home was being rebuilt.

Elaine Smith

How do you thank the team that has literally changed your life – where do you find the words and how is thank you ever enough? My experience so far exceeded my expectations; I am moved just writing this letter. Every day is less of a challenge for me as I still work through the devastating fire that ultimately resulted in a total loss. My new home is an amazing showcase for this transformation and every day when I walk through it, I am reminded of how we got here and how each of us played a role. Simply put, you guys did a fantastic job!

A few days later I began to understand that we needed help, even though our insurance adjuster claimed we would be back in business within sixty days (what a joke)…We could not have done that well on our own, let alone all the work that was involved. We had a difficult case and you and your Company solved it for us.

Farmers Cold Storage & Freezers, Inc.

When our RV dealership suffered a fire last year no one could have prepared us for the nightmare that followed. We knew how to run our company. We figured how hard could it be to recover from the fire? Besides, we were insured and thought our insurance company would take care of us. It became apparent very quickly that we were out of our league and needed professional help...We had numerous issues to deal with such as coinsurance, business interruption, extra expenses, and valuation of our building and contents loss. We now know how important it is to hire an expert to help guide through the process and undertake the monumental task of assessing the value of everything lost…Your team was very proactive and professional...We can’t thank you and your team enough for your hard work and dedication.

Rocky Mountain RV & Marine
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